Wednesday, February 24, 2021


 Complete the list of binary opposites of ideological themes , issues and conflicts that occur in Captain Fantastic , adding in any more  you can think of. These can be opposites and contrasts in characters, themes, places, film form etc . that occur throughout or at points in the story

                        Jack        v      Ben 

                   Traditional    v   Alternative     (lifestyle and family )

                     Academic  education  v  practical education / life experience/social skills


                        conservative v  progressive

                        cold lighting v                       

                            Parent v  child

                             Ben v Bo

                      communism v capitalism

                            equality    v  

                             suburbia   v wilderness


                                 safety  v risk


                      formal traditional ritual  v 





How does the final scene show how some of the main  ideological , character and narrative conflicts and binary opposites  in the film have been resolved  ?

How are the compromises and new equilibrium ( domestic situation, family relationships, schooling,lifestyle etc . ) shown through film form :  e.g  mise-en-scene , use of camera, lighting , sound and performance ?   

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

CAPTAIN FANTASTIC : Ideologies and themes 2 : RITUALS


How do the two  funeral scenes portray the different rituals ? Which is presented as  the  more positive and meaningful event ? 

Consider how film form  ( cinematography, editing ( including narrative structure , mise-en-scene, sound and performance ) is used to encourage us to support one ideology or belief system more than another through making the audience empathise   with particular character  or characters . 

This is known as creating allegiance between audience and characters .

Is this creation of allegiance fair and balanced  ? 

What is this contrast saying about the nature of traditional rituals ?

Are there any parts of the funeral and ashes disposal scene you find uncomfortable ? Why ?


Wednesday, February 3, 2021

CAPTAIN FANTASTIC : Issues and ideologies 1


Which social, personal, religious  or political themes and issues are raised and discussed in these scenes?  Are there others in the film ? 

Are we encouraged through the use of film form ( dialogue, camera shots e.g close ups lighting,  and the film's narrative ( previous scenes etc. ) to agree with one side of the discussions  and debates  more than another, or respond in a particular way  ? Find at least three examples of this use of  alignment in these scenes or in the rest of the film

Does our attitude to Ben and  Jack (the grandfather ) and their ideologies and beliefs change during the film ?  How and why ? Consider use of narrative events , dialogue, performance and other film form elements like use of close up or mid shots with other characters and how we come to view events and characters from different perspectives,