Wednesday, September 29, 2021

CITY OF GOD: Close analysis of opening scene ( and one other )

Analyse how  the opening scene ( including the transition to the 1960s)  and one other scene in   City of  God creates meaning and  audience response using all of the key elements of film form. How are the narratives and ideologies in the  rest of the film foreshadowed  and  introduced ?

Cinematography ( e.g cold and worm lighting, camera movement, framing )

Editing ( e.g use and meaning of transitions, narrative structure, rhythm and pace of cuts )

Mise-en-scene ( e.g key props and motifs, background and setting  )

Sound ( e.g use of music, diegetic/non-diegetic sound effects,use of voiceover )

Performance ( e.g  nonverbal communication, verbal tone , physical actions ,facial expressions)

( Ideological themes ( e.g violence,community,escape. past v present )

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