Wednesday, October 21, 2020


 Choose a film director who you think qualifies as an auteur i.e has a creative signature or recognisable       style in use of film form , casting , use of narrative and genre.

Create a blog post explaining  their creative signature with examples from their films , as well as any relevant production information detailing their creative control or influence.

Some examples

Christopher Nolan

Edgar Wright

Martin Scorsese

Jordan Peele

David Lynch

Quentin Tarantino

Wes Anderson

Andrea Arnold

Sofia Coppola 

Michael Bay ?

Thursday, October 15, 2020

TASK : Hollywood Studio system

 Based on our class discussions and resources on the blog, briefly summarise the Hollywood studio system, focusing on the following :

During which decades was the Hollywood  studio system at its most powerful ?

What were the major "big five " studios ?

What areas and roles in film production did the studio system have direct control over ?

Why was this factory method of production successful ?

Why did the studio system lose power and control in the 1950s and 1960s ?  

Thursday, October 8, 2020

TASK : Classical style in film form

 Summarise ( with examples form Casablanca and other films where possible ) the key conventions and "rules" of classical Hollywood style film form.

This should cover the following elements :

Cinematography and lighting

( e.g matching eyelines, 180 degree rule , framing and shot types  for clear narrative   )


( e.g cause and effect, invisible continuity editing , use of shot /reverse shot , narrative resolution should be clear )


( e,g should be "realistic " and consistent and support the narrative rather than dominate it.)


( e.g should match onscreen action ( synchronous) , support the narrative and the mood of the film, should create relavant and clear responses in audience e.g use of dranatic music )


( e,g should be "realistic " and consistent , character motivation should be clear and linear ) 

You can find some resources and more examples on the Casablanca  blog here

Thursday, October 1, 2020

CASABLANCA : Film Form analysis 1


Meeting Rick

End your analysis when we see Rick and before any conversation starts 

Analyse how the following elements of film form are used to create meaning and guide audience response ( understanding of narrative, setting,characters , plot, themes etc. ) in the  " Introduction to Rick's Bar " sequence.


( use of camera shots, framing , camera movement and angles , lighting)


( use and extent of transitions such as cuts or fades, order of scenes and shots, narrative structure )


( background, props ,costume , objects etc.)


( use or absence of  music,sound effects, spoken word such as dialague/voiceover)


(casting, physical performance e.g posture, body language and expression , reaction to other characters or narrative etc. ) 

Publish your analysis on the blog by the end of the week.