Thursday, October 8, 2020

TASK : Classical style in film form

 Summarise ( with examples form Casablanca and other films where possible ) the key conventions and "rules" of classical Hollywood style film form.

This should cover the following elements :

Cinematography and lighting

( e.g matching eyelines, 180 degree rule , framing and shot types  for clear narrative   )


( e.g cause and effect, invisible continuity editing , use of shot /reverse shot , narrative resolution should be clear )


( e,g should be "realistic " and consistent and support the narrative rather than dominate it.)


( e.g should match onscreen action ( synchronous) , support the narrative and the mood of the film, should create relavant and clear responses in audience e.g use of dranatic music )


( e,g should be "realistic " and consistent , character motivation should be clear and linear ) 

You can find some resources and more examples on the Casablanca  blog here

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