Wednesday, May 5, 2021

EXAM QUESTION 1 B No country for old men/ Captain Fantastic

 Exam question :  How far do your chosen films demonstrate the importance of visual and soundtrack cues in influencing spectator response? Refer in detail to at least one sequence from each film ( 40 marks )

Create a first draft of this exam answer ,  explaining the main points  you would make , including analysis of your chosen scenes ( at least one for each film ).

Compare and contrast how visual and soundtrack elements ( cinematography, editing, mise-en-scene,  music, sound effects, ) are used in  both films to influence how  audiences feel about characters and the narrative of the film .

You can also explore issues such as active/passive spectatorship , audience expectations , and  ideological themes .

Aim for 800 words at this stage :  you can use content and points from your previous blog tasks to help you.

                                            DEADLINE :  Friday May 7th


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