Wednesday, September 29, 2021

CITY OF GOD: Close analysis of opening scene ( and one other )

Analyse how  the opening scene ( including the transition to the 1960s)  and one other scene in   City of  God creates meaning and  audience response using all of the key elements of film form. How are the narratives and ideologies in the  rest of the film foreshadowed  and  introduced ?

Cinematography ( e.g cold and worm lighting, camera movement, framing )

Editing ( e.g use and meaning of transitions, narrative structure, rhythm and pace of cuts )

Mise-en-scene ( e.g key props and motifs, background and setting  )

Sound ( e.g use of music, diegetic/non-diegetic sound effects,use of voiceover )

Performance ( e.g  nonverbal communication, verbal tone , physical actions ,facial expressions)

( Ideological themes ( e.g violence,community,escape. past v present )

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

BRITISH CINEMA : exam question

 How are the ideological themes and issues in your chosen films resolved ? ( 40 )

Focus on at least one key scene in each of your chosen films in your answer. 

Submit your answer on moodle by 12:20pm  on Thursday

Monday, September 13, 2021

SHAUN OF THE DEAD : narrative resolution

 1   Analyse how the narrative enigmas and issues that Shaun has had to deal with and confront (in order to develop as a character )  are  resolved  in the film.  These may include

Relationship  with family ( particularly his stepfather )

Friendship with Ed 

Relationship with Liz

General lifestyle choices


Focus on the key scenes which resolve these issues and  use specific examples of film form and the film's use of various  genre conventions  to support your points

Thursday, September 9, 2021

SHAUN OF THE DEAD : Opening scene


1   Analyse how the opening scene of  of Shaun of the Dead ( in the pub)  uses film form to introduce its themes of  relationships and  friendship and creates some of the the narrative enigmas and issues that Shaun will have to solve and resolve in the film

These may include :  

 Shaun's relationship with Liz....what and who are  the barriers to their relationship succeeding and how is this shown in the opening ? What does Shaun need to fix ?    Who is deciding this ?

Shaun's friendship with  Ed this friendship positive or is it holding Shaun back ?


Relationship with family ?

Shaun's own personal development ?

Look at examples of camera shots. framing , key mise-en-scene , editing ,performance and other elements of film form. 

2   Create a list of  characters , settings and objects present or discussed in the opening scene that can  represent the  binary opposites  of  working class and middle class culture and aspirations   e.g

Working class                                                            Middle class

Pub                                                                             Restuarant    

 Pint                                                                            Glass of wine

  Ed                                                                               Davs and Di             

Where does Shaun fit in ?