Thursday, November 25, 2021

PAN'S LABYRINTH : Pale man and ending analysis


Analyse how film form is used to create meaning and generate response in the pale man scene  of Pan's Labyrinth and the final scene:

 Focus on  how the narrative and  ideology and messages of the film  (such as  fascism v rebellion , the importance of disobedience , childhood v adulthood , male v female , the role of fantasy etc. )  are  represented and resolved using specific examples from the scenes. 

You can also analyse how references to art,culture,history etc are used to add meaning to the film.


Pale man scene


Final scenes with some analysis


Make sure you include all of the following :

Cinematography ( including lighting and use of camera)

Editing (  invisible or stylised , pace, rhythm , sequencing of scenes and narrative )

Mise-en-scene ( setting , props, iconography , uniform and clothing etc. ) 

Sound ( diegetic /non-diegetic music , sound effects , voiceover etc)  

Performance  ( body language , physical performamce , facial expression ,casting , contrasts in  size and performance between actors/characters ) 

Have a look at the resources on the Pan's Labyrinth page to help 

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