Monday, December 6, 2021


For those students who wish to film  their production work rather than just submit a script/storyboard,  make sure you complete an effective storyboard  or simple shot list to help plan effective shots to maximise your marks.  

You should also complete a production plan detailing specific  filming locations , dates , cast , props and costume requirement s to help you plan. 

Students who wish to focus on the script and storyboard please ensure you use the resources below for their final versions and make sure you follow the guidance . You can delete and resubmit earlier versions on moodle if you wish


EDUQAS marked example ( completed screenplay plus complete  storyboard and evaluative analysis) BAND 5/4


EDUQAS Information about screenplay format plus example from Juno to complete

General guidance and help about screenplay writing from the exam board

LINK to all other exam board resources

50 screenplays in various genres

Download or read examples to help with planning content 

Thursday, November 25, 2021

PAN'S LABYRINTH : Pale man and ending analysis


Analyse how film form is used to create meaning and generate response in the pale man scene  of Pan's Labyrinth and the final scene:

 Focus on  how the narrative and  ideology and messages of the film  (such as  fascism v rebellion , the importance of disobedience , childhood v adulthood , male v female , the role of fantasy etc. )  are  represented and resolved using specific examples from the scenes. 

You can also analyse how references to art,culture,history etc are used to add meaning to the film.


Pale man scene


Final scenes with some analysis


Make sure you include all of the following :

Cinematography ( including lighting and use of camera)

Editing (  invisible or stylised , pace, rhythm , sequencing of scenes and narrative )

Mise-en-scene ( setting , props, iconography , uniform and clothing etc. ) 

Sound ( diegetic /non-diegetic music , sound effects , voiceover etc)  

Performance  ( body language , physical performamce , facial expression ,casting , contrasts in  size and performance between actors/characters ) 

Have a look at the resources on the Pan's Labyrinth page to help 

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Pan's Labyrinth opening scene analysis

Analyse how film form is used to create meaning and generate response in the opening scene of Pan's Labyrinth and at least one other scene from the first half of the film : look at how the " real world " and the underworld is represented and how they relate to each other using film form, the importance of fantasy and stories in opposition to fascism, how characters are introduced and what they represent,  key objects , settings and costume , body language , lighting , camera movement , use of music is setting mood and linking to motifs , themes and narrative etc.

Make sure you include all of the following :






Wednesday, September 29, 2021

CITY OF GOD: Close analysis of opening scene ( and one other )

Analyse how  the opening scene ( including the transition to the 1960s)  and one other scene in   City of  God creates meaning and  audience response using all of the key elements of film form. How are the narratives and ideologies in the  rest of the film foreshadowed  and  introduced ?

Cinematography ( e.g cold and worm lighting, camera movement, framing )

Editing ( e.g use and meaning of transitions, narrative structure, rhythm and pace of cuts )

Mise-en-scene ( e.g key props and motifs, background and setting  )

Sound ( e.g use of music, diegetic/non-diegetic sound effects,use of voiceover )

Performance ( e.g  nonverbal communication, verbal tone , physical actions ,facial expressions)

( Ideological themes ( e.g violence,community,escape. past v present )

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

BRITISH CINEMA : exam question

 How are the ideological themes and issues in your chosen films resolved ? ( 40 )

Focus on at least one key scene in each of your chosen films in your answer. 

Submit your answer on moodle by 12:20pm  on Thursday

Monday, September 13, 2021

SHAUN OF THE DEAD : narrative resolution

 1   Analyse how the narrative enigmas and issues that Shaun has had to deal with and confront (in order to develop as a character )  are  resolved  in the film.  These may include

Relationship  with family ( particularly his stepfather )

Friendship with Ed 

Relationship with Liz

General lifestyle choices


Focus on the key scenes which resolve these issues and  use specific examples of film form and the film's use of various  genre conventions  to support your points

Thursday, September 9, 2021

SHAUN OF THE DEAD : Opening scene


1   Analyse how the opening scene of  of Shaun of the Dead ( in the pub)  uses film form to introduce its themes of  relationships and  friendship and creates some of the the narrative enigmas and issues that Shaun will have to solve and resolve in the film

These may include :  

 Shaun's relationship with Liz....what and who are  the barriers to their relationship succeeding and how is this shown in the opening ? What does Shaun need to fix ?    Who is deciding this ?

Shaun's friendship with  Ed this friendship positive or is it holding Shaun back ?


Relationship with family ?

Shaun's own personal development ?

Look at examples of camera shots. framing , key mise-en-scene , editing ,performance and other elements of film form. 

2   Create a list of  characters , settings and objects present or discussed in the opening scene that can  represent the  binary opposites  of  working class and middle class culture and aspirations   e.g

Working class                                                            Middle class

Pub                                                                             Restuarant    

 Pint                                                                            Glass of wine

  Ed                                                                               Davs and Di             

Where does Shaun fit in ?


Tuesday, June 22, 2021


Analyse how the narrative resolution of the film explores and resolves its  themes and binary oppposites 

 ( friendship, betrayal, escape , family life, alienation, addiction , past v future , masculinity , responsibility v freedom, individuality v society, etc. ).

You should focus here on the final sections  of the film and on Tommy's narrative and fate and particularly  Renton's attempts to escape and his final betrayal. Look at how film form is used to guide audience response and alignment in key scenes and the language used in the closing voiceover.

Is there a moral or message to Trainspotting or is it ambiguous about the themes and characters ? 
How does Renton exemplify this ?

Wednesday, June 9, 2021



How far do your chosen films ( No Country for Old Men and Captain Fantastic ) demonstrate the importance of visual and soundtrack cues in influencing spectator response? Refer in detail to at least one sequence from each film ( 40 marks )

50 minutes

Compare and contrast how visual and soundtrack elements ( cinematography, editing, mise-en-scene,  music, sound effects, ) are used in  both films to influence how  audiences are aligned or encouraged to feel about characters and the narrative of the film .

You can also explore issues such as active/passive spectatorship , audience expectations , and  ideological themes .

This exam is handwritten but you may consult previous notes to help with key content



Wednesday, May 26, 2021

TRAINSPOTTING : film form in the overdose/withdrawal scene

Focus on the Overdose and Withdrawal scenes below to answer the following question in a written report


How is film form  used in these scenes  to explore and develop the film's social/emotional / narrative themes and the  relationships between characters ? ( e.g the widespread nature of heroin use in Edinburgh, Renton's  emotions and  relationships with family and friends ) 

Look at some of these themes  in terms of binary oppositions  ( e.g Renton v Begbie , family v independence , heroin v life)  

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

EXAM QUESTION 1 B No country for old men/ Captain Fantastic

 Exam question :  How far do your chosen films demonstrate the importance of visual and soundtrack cues in influencing spectator response? Refer in detail to at least one sequence from each film ( 40 marks )

Create a first draft of this exam answer ,  explaining the main points  you would make , including analysis of your chosen scenes ( at least one for each film ).

Compare and contrast how visual and soundtrack elements ( cinematography, editing, mise-en-scene,  music, sound effects, ) are used in  both films to influence how  audiences feel about characters and the narrative of the film .

You can also explore issues such as active/passive spectatorship , audience expectations , and  ideological themes .

Aim for 800 words at this stage :  you can use content and points from your previous blog tasks to help you.

                                            DEADLINE :  Friday May 7th


Wednesday, April 28, 2021




                                                              The pool

                                                               Bell arrives

                                                                   Final conflict ?


                                                                           Coin toss 2  (  Carla Jean)

                                                                          Chigurh's accident

                                                               Ending dream scene  ( Sheriff Bell)

Do you find the ending of the film to be a  satisfying resolution ?  Summarise how the three main  characters' narratives are resolved (or not ) and how this relates to the themes of the film   

Why do you feel the Coen Brothers decided to have their main protagonist killed offscreen , and then avoid a final climax between Sheriff Bell and Chigurh ?   Consider the effect on the audience in terms of expectations of genre and narrative,  and the  themes of  law and order v criminality , good v evil , heroism, chance, masculinity  etc. and how the characters relate to each other and  see themselves.

 Who represents the force of good in the film ? What does the film's final scenes with Chigurh/ Carla-Jean and Sheriff Bell suggest about the battle between good and evil  , chance and fate , past and future , and Bell's hopes, fears and attitudes ? Why make Bell's dream monologue the final scene ?

Use examples of film form to support your points

Wednesday, March 31, 2021


 Summarise and explain the following elements about the opening scenes  of No Country for Old Men  which introduce the characters of Bell and Chigurh

                                               Opening ( Sheriff Ed Tom Bell )

                                 Opening ( Sheriff Ed Tom Bell/Chigurh ) ( low quality)


                                                     The discovery  ( Llewellyn Moss)



What elements of film form are used  in the opening scenes to align audiences to be positioned with Sheriff Bell and Lleweyn Moss ( and any other characters )and how is film form used to avoid alignment, especially with Chigurh  ?  e.g use of closeups , POV shots , camera framing and angles ,voiceover etc.

 How much do you learn about the personality , background , ambitions ,lifestyle and fears of each character in these scenes? 

Ideological themes

What moral or social themes are introduced in the opening scenes , including binary oppositions ( e.g chaos v order?) Who does the audience feel allegience and empathy with and why ?

Thursday, March 11, 2021



Anton Chigurh

Llewellyn Moss

Sheriff Ed Tom Bell

Do you see any connections in the setting and the characters to traditional Western conventions ?

How do you feel their stories will be resolved ?   

Wednesday, March 3, 2021


Use the examples below and your own research to summarise the key conventions of the Western genre 

                                                                       CONVENTIONS :

Characters : Hero /Villain
 Sheriff/ Cowboy/Gunfighter

Narrative :  shootout/ conflict  resolves the story

Themes : 
good v evil
past v present
law and order v chaos and criminality

Film form
Setting : landscape 
Props and Costumes

Modern subversions and changes ? Links to other genres ?

                                                               Shane : good v evil gunfighters

                                                      High Noon : The good sheriff




                                                                  Stagecoach ": the landscape


                                              The Good, the bad and the ugly

                                                              The gunfight

  The Wild Bunch                        shootout

the importance of the shootout at the climax of the film

themes : past v present

New wave of more explicitly violent films

Revisionist westerns of the 1970s- 1990s became more concerned with  changing pur understanding of the tradiitional good v evil cowboy v Indians binary opposition , with films such as Dances With Wolves

                                                        Representations of ethnicity

                                          MODERN  EXAMPLES AND COMPARISONS

                                                                 The Proposition

                 Deadwood : 

                 Role of sheriff, lawless nature of Wild West , order v chaos.

            The Quick and the dead :  fight    

             The importance of the gunfight , subverted by it becoming an explosive action scene

                                                            Pastiche of the gunfight



Scorsese on Westerns

stereotypes, subversions and more examples.


Wednesday, February 24, 2021


 Complete the list of binary opposites of ideological themes , issues and conflicts that occur in Captain Fantastic , adding in any more  you can think of. These can be opposites and contrasts in characters, themes, places, film form etc . that occur throughout or at points in the story

                        Jack        v      Ben 

                   Traditional    v   Alternative     (lifestyle and family )

                     Academic  education  v  practical education / life experience/social skills


                        conservative v  progressive

                        cold lighting v                       

                            Parent v  child

                             Ben v Bo

                      communism v capitalism

                            equality    v  

                             suburbia   v wilderness


                                 safety  v risk


                      formal traditional ritual  v 





How does the final scene show how some of the main  ideological , character and narrative conflicts and binary opposites  in the film have been resolved  ?

How are the compromises and new equilibrium ( domestic situation, family relationships, schooling,lifestyle etc . ) shown through film form :  e.g  mise-en-scene , use of camera, lighting , sound and performance ?   

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

CAPTAIN FANTASTIC : Ideologies and themes 2 : RITUALS


How do the two  funeral scenes portray the different rituals ? Which is presented as  the  more positive and meaningful event ? 

Consider how film form  ( cinematography, editing ( including narrative structure , mise-en-scene, sound and performance ) is used to encourage us to support one ideology or belief system more than another through making the audience empathise   with particular character  or characters . 

This is known as creating allegiance between audience and characters .

Is this creation of allegiance fair and balanced  ? 

What is this contrast saying about the nature of traditional rituals ?

Are there any parts of the funeral and ashes disposal scene you find uncomfortable ? Why ?


Wednesday, February 3, 2021

CAPTAIN FANTASTIC : Issues and ideologies 1


Which social, personal, religious  or political themes and issues are raised and discussed in these scenes?  Are there others in the film ? 

Are we encouraged through the use of film form ( dialogue, camera shots e.g close ups lighting,  and the film's narrative ( previous scenes etc. ) to agree with one side of the discussions  and debates  more than another, or respond in a particular way  ? Find at least three examples of this use of  alignment in these scenes or in the rest of the film

Does our attitude to Ben and  Jack (the grandfather ) and their ideologies and beliefs change during the film ?  How and why ? Consider use of narrative events , dialogue, performance and other film form elements like use of close up or mid shots with other characters and how we come to view events and characters from different perspectives,

Thursday, January 28, 2021

CAPTAIN FANTASTIC : Opening scene analysis


Analyse the opening scene of Captain Fantastic and answer the following questions using examples of film form to support your points

 What are the first impressions of the lifestyle and nature of the family the audience gets ? Are we encouraged to respond in a particular way to the landscape and the family's role in it ? Look at shot sizes, sound , pace of editing  and colour in particular.

Does this impression of the family change and develop in this scene? How does the director show this ? Consider lighting, mise-en-scene and performance.

Is there any sense of who the main characters will be and what their relationships and issues will be ?

What clues do we get about the themes and issues that will be explored in the film ?

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

HOLLYWOOD FILM AFTER 2005 Captain Fantastic ( Ross 2016)


You need to watch the entire film of Captain Fantastic ( our next text ) by our next lesson on Thursday as we will be analysing key scenes. 

The film is available on netflix and on this vimeo link

Here is some basic information about the film

Friday, January 15, 2021


' The director is the most important creative influence on the production and content of a film '.

 How far do you agree with this statement when applied to both of your chosen films ?  

( 40 marks)    1 hour

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

EXAM QUESTION PAPER 1 A Casablanca/Apocalypse Now comparison

 Next week you will be writing and submitting a full exam answer for  Paper 1 Section A (Hollywood 1930-1990 ) which will compare Casablanca and Apocalypse Now

The question will expect you to have knowledge of and to write about the following :

The Hollywood studio system : who had creative influence and power in the studio system era

New Hollywood : how and why directors gained more power and influence in the 1960s-1970s

Auteur : the role and creative signature of your director/producer in both films

Film form : specific examples from your chosen films to support these points

Classical Hollywood style  and its use of film form

Production contexts : factual information about how and when both films were funded,produced and released.

Make sure you have completed all blog tasks and have some specific examples from the films to  support your points

Here are some good marked examples of exam answers on this section....we are focusing on a different text for New Hollywood but many of the same points can be made with different examples.

Monday, January 4, 2021


 Using your research , class discussion and these resources summarise what you understand to be Francis Ford Coppola's creative signature in Apocalypse Now based on his use of film form and methods.  Use examples from the film and any reference to his other work. You may want to focus on the following :

Use of light and shadow

Working with actors

Improvisation and changing script

Large-scale set piece action scenes 

Narrative themes 

Based on your understanding of New Hollywood and the film's production , summarise the  extent of the creative influence and power of the director ( Coppola ) on the content of the film .  Who else had any power or influence on the content of the film ?